

We've got the latest and greatest

Circuit board fabrication is an incredibly dynamic industry. CCTC has a well-funded R&D department. The director of R&D reports directly to our CEO. We are dedicated to being a tier-one board shop - in every sense of the word. We invest in the best equipment, not the cheapest.

Having the latest and greatest means we can tailor the appropriate technology for your build. Value engineering is a large part of our technical expertise. We'll help meet your design requirements and your target pricing. Learn more about our technical capabilities.

Multi-Layer Rigid

Fabricating Multi-layer rigid circuit boards is what we do. It’s all we do. Since 1985. Up to 42 layers.

High Density Interconnect (HDI)

CCTC specializes in laser-drilled, high-density interconnect fabrication to meet your fine pitch, any layer or ever layer architecture.  55% of our production is HDI.

Heavy Copper

CCTC specializes in heavy copper fabrication for both high current applications and thermal management. If your designs require heavy copper either for thermal management, or high current signal designs, CCTC has years of experience. We have UL approval for up to 6 ounce finished copper thickness, and a proven track record of reliability.

Advanced Materials

Beside FR-4, CCTC offers a wide range of advanced materials to meet your design specifications. 

High Speed Applications

With our experience in 5G and other high gig requirement fabrication, CCTC is prepared to help you with your high speed design applications. 

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